Gmaps (Google Maps) addon

Always have trouble with the intergration of Google Maps on your ExpressionEngine site? Always struggling to get it work? Well, those days are gone with the Google Maps (Gmaps) plugin for ExpressionEngine. You can now easily create Maps, markers, polygon, routes and more! It support all major functionality of the Google Maps API and more will come.
Be awere of the Google Maps limits.

The following features are supported

Geocoding, Geolocation, Routes, Polygon, Circle, Rectangle, FusionTables, Panorama, KML GeoRSS, Layers (Weather, Transit, Traffic,  Bicycling and Places), Elevation services, Details for the route, Static Maps, Complex Markers, Styled Maps, Stamen Maps: (Toner and Watercolor), Openstreetmap map type, Cloudmade map type, Google Places, Search by address or latlng, Caching the result to avoid problems with the Google limit on the queries, Debug your results via EE native Template Debugging option, Lightning fast