
The complete mapping tool

With the Maps module we created a full featured Mapping module where you can easily create simple maps, complex maps and everything in between. With Maps we tried to add as many features but still make it easy to understand and above all easy to implement.

Key features


Markers? no problem Maps can do it. You can do a lot with the markers, e.g. titles, popups, styles etc.


Circles? no problem Maps can do it.


Rectangles? no problem Maps can do it.


Polylines? no problem Maps can do it.


Polygons? no problem Maps can do it.

Different tiles

Maps support different tiles. Starting with openstreetmap and up to Google Maps, Bing Maps, MapBox etc.

Different Geocoders

Maps also support different geocoders. Starting againg with openstreetmap and up to Google Maps, Bing Maps, MapBox etc.


All addresses are cached by the caching mechanism to avoid extra calls. Each address has a validate period after it will refresh the cache.

Javascript API

To interact with Maps, there is an JS Api available.

Blinking fast

Its blinking fast, Maps works out of the box, without optimization very fast.


Styles / Tiles

Use different styles, or tiles for your maps. We start with the free openstreetmap tile, but you can add Google Maps or any other Tile provider. We support up to 15+ tiles.


Markers, markers and markers. You can add as many markers as you want. You can group them as clusters, create a new marker style and many more.

Circles, Polygons, Polylines and Circles

Create circles, Polygons, Polylines and circles with ease. Modify the fill opacity, color and stroke color to apply your custom style